Contact Us

If you were present at the Atlanta Eagle during the raid, please come forward.

The actions of the police at the Atlanta Eagle were illegal and wrong.  Make your voice heard along with the many others who [are standing up for their rights.]

If you were present at the Atlanta Eagle during the raid, please contact the owners of the Atlanta Eagle (email) to to share you experience.

If you would prefer to come forward confidentially, you can do so by contacting Dan Grossman, the lawyer representing the Eagle and many of its patrons, or any other attorney of your choice.  If you contact an attorney for legal advice, the information you give the attorney is strictly protected by Attorney-Client confidentiality; the lawyer is not allowed (and cannot be forced) to share the contents of your discussion with the police, the news media, or anyone else without your permission.  Contacting a lawyer to ask about your rights does not obligate or commit you in any way.

We also urge you to file complaints with the police and CRB.  Both organizations are investigating the raid; to hold people accountable, they need all the facts, from as many people as possible.

Were you at the Atlanta Eagle the night of the raid?

If so, please contact the owners of the Atlanta Eagle to share your experience:

If you are not ready to come forward publicly, you can call

Phone: (404) 654-0326


[contact-form 1 “Contact form 1”]

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